LPS: Station Setup via Known station & azimuth

How to setup Topcon LPS using a known control point and an azimuth (direction).

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LPS: Station Setup via Known station & azimuth

  • Before any station setup, you will need to ensure the following:
    • LPS_Setup program is installed on the instrument
    • Units are set on the instrument
    • A control file is loaded into LPS_Setup
  • Now, go to Station Setup Wizard.
  • The Setup method has three options in the dropdown box.  This example will use Known station & azimuth.
  • This method uses a single control point and a direction to orientate the instrument.  The instrument will sit on the control point and it will be pointed at another prism.  The direction you define will determine the orientation of the instrument.  This is useful on one-time setups or product demos.
  • With the instrument setup over a control point, use a tape measure to measure the slant height from the control point to the vertical center of the instrument.  This is the pivot point of the collumator.  Most instruments will have a small mark on the side to measure to.
  • This height is entered into the Instrument height field on the total station.
  • Now, tap the Next button.
  • The next screen is where you define what control point the instrument is on and what direction it will be pointed in.
  • Tap the Station button to pick from a list of control points.  For this example, the instrument will sit on Pole 1.
  • Next, enter the Backsight azimuth angle.  As a reference the following angles correspond to cardinal directions:
    • 0° = North
    • 90° = East
    • 180° = South
    • 270° = West
  • Once the azimuth is entered, sight the prism with the instrument, then tap the Next button.
  • Once the backsight is shot, you should see the results of the setup.  You may also be given the option to save the backsight point for future use.
  • Tap the OK button to save the setup.  This should take you back to the main LPS_Setup screen.
  • Tap the Start LPS Control button to launch External Link and begin tracking the machine prism.
  • External Link must remain on for LPS machine control to work.  Exiting the External Link screen will end LPS control.