Pocket 3D: Short Cuts

In Pocket 3D 12.2 and higher, we have introduced the short cuts feature. Short cuts allow the user to select certain quick codes that the user has created and have them appear on the main screen of Pocket 3D to quickly take different shots when needed on the jobsite. 

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Pocket 3D: Short Cuts

Shortcuts work with the new quick code features to help give the user the abiltiy to take a multitude of different shots without having to go into the 'Survey' menu to change any settings. Shortcuts will now allow the user to have icons similar to desktop shortucts appear on the home screen and use those for taking different shots around the job site. To create shortcuts we need to first ensure we have quick codes created. In order to check our list of quick codes select 'Survey' > 'Measure pts' > 'QuickCodes'. 

  • This page then gives us our list of quick codes that we can create shortcuts from. For details on how to create quick codes refer to our 'Pocket 3D: Creating Quick Codes' guide. 
  • Once we know we have Quick codes created we can then display them on our screen as shortcuts. To do this select 'Display' > 'Shortcuts' from the main screen of Pocket 3D.
  • This page shows us which of our quick codes will be displayed as a shortcut. Highlight the codes you want to be displayed as a shortcut and select the checkmark at the bottom left of the screen. For our example we are going to apply that checkmark to all of our codes. 
  • Once this is done select 'ok' at the bottom of your screen. 
  • You can now see all of your shortcuts displayed on the top right hand corner of your screen.

By using the touch screen you can now select these icons and they will create your topo shot/polyline based on the settings you used when creating the quick code. This will then allow you to take many different kinds of shots without having to go back and reconfigure your topo shot settings.