Pocket 3D: Import/Export - Control Points from GC3 file

Importing control points from a GC3 file

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Pocket 3D: Import/Export - Control Points from GC3 file

A GC3 file is Topcon's proprietary file format for jobsite localizations.

GC3 files are easier to import and contain more information than regular text files.

To import a GC3 file, go to Data > Control > Import/Export > From GC3 file...

Find the file on your data collector or USB drive.  The file must be saved in GC3 format.

Highlight the file and hit the Open button.

The screen at right will be displayed if the data is imported correctly.

*NOTE* Importing a GC3 file will overwrite any localization currently in the project.

If you go to Data > Control > Control points, you can review the data that was imported.

The benefit of using a GC3 file is that not only will control point information be copied, but also the localization data of those points.  This makes copying a localization from one data collector to another or into Topcon 3D-MC machine control very easy.