MAGNET Project: Excess materials

This article demonstrates with a few examples how surplus or deficit areas can be balanced in a mass haul calculation project using MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: Excess materials

Planning projects with mass hauls starts with planning the project's mass balance and construction areas.

A balanced mass haul plan avoids surplus and deficit materials, making it possible to find optimal locations for crushing plants, disposal areas, stockpiles, etc.

Below are a few examples to balance deficit materials.

Total amount capacity

  1. Select the quantity from your project that has unhauled amounts, and double-click to open the Properties window.
  2. Review and change the Total amount capacity value, and click OK.
  3. Recalculate hauls again in the Project tab to view the haul balance.


Local stockpiles represent the possibility to temporarily pile mass close to the task’s location. Local stockpiles can be created for cuts and fills. The “days” edit box specifies how long the mass can be kept in the local stockpile before it has to be used in the actual task.

  1. Create a local stockpile by defining stock duration in days.

Stockpiles, crushing plants, detours, etc., act as a temporary storage space for a quantity type and are defined in the quantity list, as any other quantity. It is possible to define multiple stockpile types (stockpile, crushing) along the project, but having multiple stockpiles may affect the cost effiency.

  1. Create a stockpile, crushing plant, or other. Add the capacity value, and enable source and destination suitabilities for that stockpile. Suitabilities customize the source and destination tasks in the workflow.
  2. Verify the stockpiles' capacity values, and change as needed. Review, change, or add new source suitabilities, and recalculate the mass haul plan based on the changes.

Deficit material

  1. You can deal with deficit rock material, for example, by adding a crusher from the template or creating a new crushing plant. The optimal location is close to a suitable quality rock excavation or where there is room to store the aggregate.
  2. Create a borrow pit if missing material can be bought or otherwise supplied from a nearby location.
  3. Change or add more suitabilities for disposal area quantity type to include more source hauls in the haul calculation (as shown below).

Disposal/waste area

  1. Create a disposal area. From the mass haul point of view, the best location for the disposal area is as near the surplus as possible. Check the haul amount and the location from the surplus report or by hovering over the quantity type. Recalculate the mass haul plan based on the changes.
  2. Create a disposal/waste area in a location that would simulate the hauls of sold material.
  3. Change or add more suitabilities for disposal area quantity type to include more source hauls in the disposal calculation (as shown below).

Be sure to keep the Maximum usage box checked to ensure that the material capacity will be fully utilized in the optimization calculation.