MAGNET Office: Manual road entry (part 4 of 4) - Create road and surface

Methodology and best practices for creating a road and surface from manually entered data in MAGNET Office manual roads module

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MAGNET Office: Manual road entry (part 4 of 4) - Create road and surface

Creating the road and surface

From the toolbar, click Create Surface.

The Create Surface dialog box will open. It has two tabs.

The first tab is Save Options.

The road start and end chainage will be displayed, and the user can define spacing along the length for straight and curves when the model is generated.

Select the radio button Cross section template to calculate the surface.

Check the Save DTM box, and give it a name. (Checking Save DTM points is optional.)

Also check the Save strings box. These will be generated from the elements entered into the cross section, such as EP, TC, etc.

Click the Transfer Table tab.

In this tab, the user can define the string name and layer that the string is to be assigned to. By default, it will assume the string name from the code or element of the template and the same for the layer.

However, if they already exist in the MAGNET Office project with a different name, such as Pavement, they will automatically be assigned to that layer.

The user can click in a Layer field and choose any existing option from the project for each code/string.

Now click Create Road in the toolbar.

This will open the Create Cross Section dialog box, which also has two tabs. The main options are in Save Options.

Select the Layer name for the alignment.

Rename the Design surface if yours is different.

The option Extract natural surface data allows the user to interface the design DTM with an existing natural surface and define limits from the center line for the side slopes.

The other settings are identical to the options in the Create Surface dialog box. 

The Additional Stations tab allows a user to add additional cross section information at specified chainages.

Once these options have been completed, the data will appear in the Survey view and also give the user the option for more advanced design by opening the roads module as a separate tab.

The roads module is covered in another series