MAGNET Office: Corridors (part 5 of 6) - Edit zones and widths

How to apply super elevations and widening in corridors

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MAGNET Office: Corridors (part 5 of 6) - Edit zones and widths

Converting the template to reference strings

From the Corridor > Create/Edit Templates window, at the bottom of the screen, select Convert to Ref. String.

A window will appear, showing all elements of the template. Select the strings required for your work.

In this image, all strings are selected. This means multiple zones can be created as required.

For example, CL - LEP is one zone. LEP - LS is another zone, and LS - LV is a third zone.  

Click OK. All strings will be removed from the template and converted to reference strings.

Editing zone widths

Navigate to Corridor > Edit Zone Widths.

In this example, we will work with CL-LEP.

The image shows the current settings from the template to reference strings which is 15 ft.

In this image, a zone widening has been applied between station 500 and 1000 from the original 15 ft to 25 ft. The graphics have dynamically been updated to show the new width of CL-LEP on this section of the corridor. CL-LEP, selected in yellow on the cross section, can be seen to be wider than CL-REP on the right.

Editing zone slopes

Navigate to Corridor > Edit Zone Slopes.

Again, we will work with CL-LEP.

The image shows the current settings from the template to reference strings which is -2%.

In this image, a zone slope change has been applied between station 500 and 1000 from the original -2% to 2%. The graphics have dynamically been updated to show the new slope of CL-LEP on this section of the corridor. CL-LEP, selected in yellow on the cross section, can be seen to be super-elevated in comparison to CL-REP on the right.

This process is now recreated for as many zones and station ranges as required.