MAGNET Modeler: Configurations

MAGNET Modeler uses a configuration file to store project data.

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MAGNET Modeler: Configurations

A configuration is a collection of rules (one or multiple rules), materials, and group settings in a MAGNET Office/MAGNET Modeler project. A configuration is saved to an external initialization file (*.INI).

Whenever you start working on a new project in MAGNET Office and launch a new session of MAGNET Modeler (by going to Modeler > Rules), a default configuration with predefined rules, materials, and group settings gets loaded.

Default configuration

The default configuration file is called: vdc-modeler.ini

The location of the default configuration file on your computer is: 

C:\Users\Username\Documents\MAGNET\Modeler for Office\English - Imperial\1

The purpose of the default configuration file is to give new users examples on:

  • How rules work
  • How to set attributes and settings
  • What rules could be used for
  • How a group structure could look like

Loading configurations

In case you have an existing configuration file (*.INI) other than the default one, you can load it into MAGNET Modeler.

Click the Load Configuration icon.

Loading a configuration file will remove the existing configuration including rules, materials, and group settings in your MAGNET Modeler session.

Merging configurations

You can add additional existing configurations/rules/settings to your current set by clicking the Merge Configuration icon. This allows you to add entire configurations or dedicated rule types without creating them from scratch.

This feature can be used in case you need additional rules and rule types for your current job and you have another configuration file stored on your local computer which would complete your requirements.

Click the Merge Configuration icon, browse to this *.INI file, and click Open.

Select the rule types you want to add to your existing configuration. 

By default, all rule types, materials, and groups are checked. 

Click Ok.

In case you are importing duplicate rules, materials, and groups, MAGNET Modeler will ask you how to deal with them. 

You can do the following:

  • Keep the existing ones.
  • Replace with new ones.

Click Ok to import.

Additional rules were imported into your current configuration.

Saving configurations

Make sure you save your configuration to use it the next day or even for another project.

Click the Save Configuration icon.

Closing the Modeler Rules window or navigating to Modeler > Rules on the MAGNET Office ribbon will prompt you to save your changes to the configuration as well.


  • Store the configuration file (*.INI) in the same location as the MAGNET Office file (*.MJO).
  • Use the MAGNET Office file name (*.MJO) for the configuration file (*.INI) as well. Example:

    • Project_name.mjo
    • Project_name.ini
  • Use one configuration file (*.INI) per MAGNET Office file (*.MJO).