Pocket 3D: Import/Export - Alignment from an RD3 file

Importing an alignment

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Pocket 3D: Import/Export - Alignment from an RD3 file

An RD3 file is Topcon's proprietary file format for handling alignment data.

  • To import an alignment, go to Data > Alignment > Import/Export > From RD3...
  • You will be prompted to locate the RD3 file you wish to import.  If the file is on a USB drive, you will need to navigate to the D:\ drive or USBHardDisk, depending on the type of data collector you are using.
  • Highlight the file and hit the Open or Import button.
  • If successful, Pocket3D should display the screen shown at right.

Even though an alignment file is being imported, Pocket3D will still give the message of "Imported 1 Surface(s)".

Importing an alignment will automatically make it the active alignment for stationing and offset values.