MAGNET Modeler: How to create and use modeling rules

This article explains how to create and use modeling rules in MAGNET Modeler.

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MAGNET Modeler: How to create and use modeling rules

Inserting a new rule

Inserting a new rule will automatically bring up the Change setting window of that rule. This window provides options and settings to determine which entities in the current MAGNET Office project are going to be affected and how they'll be affected.

You can start creating new rules by clicking the Rules icon and selecting the rule type you wish to create. Right-click on the rule type and select Insert, or press A on your keyboard. You can also double-click the rule type.

Value types

The Change setting window usually provides four types of property values to specify characteristics of a rule:

  • Numerical Entry
    • Height
    • Width
  • Text Input
    • Description
    • Group
  • Selection Windows
    • Layer
    • Material
    • Group
  • List Boxes/Bool
    • Cut_mode 

Editing an existing rule

Navigate to Modeler > Rules, and select an existing rule you want to edit.

Right-click the rule to bring up the rule context menu:

  1. Select Insert, or press A on your keyboard to create a new rule.
  2. Select Duplicate, or press C on your keyboard to make a copy of the selected rule. This is recommended when you want to create multiple, similar rules.
  3. Select Remove, or press Delete on your keyboard to delete the rule.
  4. Select Move Up/Move Down, or press U/D on your keyboard to change the rule order.
  5. Double-click the existing rule directly, right-click and select Properties, or press Space on your keyboard to open the Change setting window.

Reusing a rule

MAGNET Modeler's architecture allows the user to save multiple rule settings so that they can be used in any future MAGNET Office project.

Configuration files (*.INI) are external files and are not bound to one single MAGNET Office project. This means that configuration files can be reused in any other project.

Rules are layer-based, and as long as the new MAGNET Office project file includes the same layer names, rules and configurations can be reused.