MAGNET Modeler for Autodesk: Edit and Draw Modes

Learn from two distinct modes in the configuration tree display: Edit Mode and Draw Mode.

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MAGNET Modeler for Autodesk: Edit and Draw Modes

The configuration tree display can be used in two distinct modes: Edit Mode and Draw Mode. 

Edit Mode 

  • This is used to configure tree item parameters to match the input data coming from the AutoCAD drawing. 
  • Edit Mode is the default startup mode for the program.

Draw Mode 

  • This can be used for sketching or rapid creation of new elements to the AutoCAD drawing based on the configuration.
  • Draw Mode can be activated from the Draw drop-down menu or from the toolbar.

Edit Mode

In Edit Mode, the configuration tree is shown with all possible items. Double-clicking any tree item opens up the parameter configuration dialog box for that item. Right-click on an item to see all the actions for that item.

  • Insert...: Create a new item in the configuration tree.
  • Duplicate: Make a copy of the currently selected item.
  • Remove: Remove the currently selected item.
  • Move Up: Move the selected item upward in the configuration tree.
  • Move Down: Move the selected item downward in the configuration tree.
  • Draw: Create a layer, and draw new objects in the DWG drawing based on the configuration of the selected item.
  • Create Layer: Creates the AutoCAD layer for the currently selected item.
  • Properties...: Access the properties of the selected item.
  • Help: Help for the currently selected item.

Draw Mode

In Draw Mode, the configuration tree shows only those items that can be created in AutoCAD (as polylines, points, or symbols). Double-clicking any item in the configuration tree starts the respective drawing function in AutoCAD (e.g., PLINE, POINT, or INSERT). Right-clicking an item shows only the drawing-related actions for that item.

  • Draw: Create a layer, and draw new objects in the DWG drawing based on the configuration of the selected item.
  • Create Layer: Creates the AutoCAD layer for the currently selected item.
  • Layer Properties: Opens the AutoCAD Layer Properties Manager for the currently selected item.
  • Help: Help for the currently selected item.