X-53x Automatic Excavator: Joining a Sitelink3D v2 site

In 3D-MC v15 for the X-53x automatic excavator, the user can pair their machine to a Sitelink3D v2 jobsite. From there, the user can work on tasks that are assigned by company admins, and real-time updates can be displayed back in the office.

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X-53x Automatic Excavator: Joining a Sitelink3D v2 site

Obtaining Site ID

In the current revision of 3D-MC v15, users will have the ability to pair a machine with jobsites that were created on the Sitelink3D v2 dashboard. Once a machine is paired, the user will be able to select tasks to do from working sets, and the Sitelink3D v2 dashboard will update in real time. 

In order to pair a 3D-MC v15 machine to a Sitelink3D v2 site, the user will need to grab the Site ID information from the Sitelink3D v2 dashboard.

Record the Site ID to be used later on in 3D-MC v15.

Connecting to the site from the control box

From the main screen of 3D-MC, the orange cloud located in the center indicates that the machine is currently not connected to a Sitelink3D v2 site.

To begin joining the site, select Data > Sites.

Click Add at the bottom left of the screen to add a new jobsite.

Select Existing Sitelink3D Site.

For this process, the site will be added by Site ID:

  • Enter the Site ID information that was obtained earlier from the Sitelink3D v2 dashboard.
  • Enter PIN information that was created when the site was created on the Sitelink3D v2 dashboard.
  • Click Ok when finished.

The site should now show up in the list of sites available on the control box.

Select the site name corresponding to your Sitelink3D v2 site, and click OK.

The orange icon should now turn green indicating that the machine is now successfully paired to a Sitelink3D v2 jobsite.