MAGNET Live: Sharing 3D models

Share 3D models directly from MAGNET Live by sending a link to a recipient via e-mail.

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MAGNET Live: Sharing 3D models

You can share your model directly from MAGNET Live by sending a direct link to your model by e-mail.

Click the Share icon in MAGNET Live.

  1. Add the recipient's e-mail address and name, and write a description for the email.
  2. An expiration date can be set for how long the model can be viewed.
  3. Click SHARE.
    • A notification will display after sharing the model from MAGNET Live.
    • The recipient will receive an email with a link to the model.

When the recipient clicks the link in the e-mail, MAGNET Live wants to check that the model is being opened by the correct recipient. The recipient is required to type in their e-mail address (the same address where the link was sent to).

After typing in the address, the model opens in MAGNET Live.