MAGNET Live: Basic functionalities

Learn and manage the basic functions of MAGNET Live with this guide.

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MAGNET Live: Basic functionalities

The MAGNET Live home page shows recently opened models and all listed models.

View a model by clicking its image or going to More Options > Open in 3D. The More Options button looks like this: 

The 3D viewer opens, and the model download begins.

Model settings

Clicking More Options () opens settings for the model, where a name and description can be added. Check Enable editing topics to turn on topic and viewer comments.

A model can be shared via e-mail. Click Share (),  and add e-mail, recipient's name (optional), and a description. There's an option to set an expiration date. The amount of models that can be shared is restricted by the license terms and conditions.

Click SHARE to confirm.

Models can be viewed by model list type and sorted by name or size. Models can also be found using the search function.

If the recipient has an active MAGNET Live license, they will be able to view the model on the home page when the view is sorted by Shared with me.

Viewing models in the 3D viewer

In the 3D viewer, active topics regarding the model are displayed on the left. Topics can be reviewed, edited, and commented on by selecting one of the topics. Click outside of the topic to deselect.

A model can be moved around in the viewer using a mouse. The left button moves the model two-dimensionally, the scroll wheel zooms in/out, and the right button moves the model around 360°.

Object info and layers

Imported object information can be viewed by toggling the object info button () on the right sidebar. Information can also be accessed by keeping the Object Info panel open and selecting objects from the 3D model. Object information is shown if it is available in the model.

The model Layers (groups) can be hidden or visible by clicking the arrow next to MAGNET Modeler and clicking the eye icon(s) in the right sidebar.

Menu button

Click the menu button in the upper left to find information and links for MAGNET applications, services, products, support, and dealers.