Falcon 8: Firmware Update Instructions

How to update Trinity firmware in the Falcon 8

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Falcon 8: Firmware Update Instructions

  1. Download the Trinity update tool zip file to your computer and unzip it.
  2. Launch the Trinity update tool .exe file and choose the language.
  3. If your Mobile Ground Station (MGS) has never been connected to your computer before, download the USB driver by clicking on "Download USB Driver". Executing the downloaded file to install the drivers.
  4. Turn on your MGS. Plug the provided mini-USB to USB cable into the mini USB port on the side of the Diversity Datalink of the MGS. Plug the other end into a USB port of your computer (preferably a USB 2.0 port).
  5. Click on "Next" and you will see a screen showing the firmware versions of the AscTec AutoPilot Diversity and the AscTec AutoPilot Diversity LCD.
  6. Plug in the little Ascending Technologies USB Stick (from the back of your AscTec Falcon 8) to your computer.
  7. If needed make a backup copy of the log files, which are stored on the USB stick.
  8. Format the USB stick (Windows default settings).
  9. In the Trinity update tool click the button “Copy to USB stick” to copy a boot loader update file (TRINITY.ATF) to the USB stick.
  10. Follow the on screen instructions to copy the file, detach the USB stick from your computer and plug it into your AscTec Falcon 8.
  11. Turn on your AscTec Falcon 8.
  12. There may be nothing to hear for around half a minute, but then it will start triple-beeping. While the update is done the triple beep will raise in pitch.
  13. A short melody can be heard when update is finished. Do not turn the AscTec Falcon 8 off until that melody was audible and the gimbal is active again (this can take about 5 minutes!).
  14. While the AscTec Falcon 8 is performing the update, you can continue to simultaneously update MGS diversity and MGS diversity LCD.
  15. To do so, click "Next" in the Trinity update tool and follow the onscreen instructions of the update tool. 
  16. When the AscTec Falcon 8 update was successful, the file "TRINITY.ATF" on the USB stick has been renamed to "_TRINITY.ATF". Please check the USB stick and if this is the case, delete the file and the log file which also has been created from the USB stick. In case the file has not been renamed, please perform the update process once again and switch on the AscTec Falcon 8 with the USB stick inserted (step 12).
  17. After the successful update please re-insert the empty USB stick into the AscTec Falcon 8. It is needed to store the flight logs.​

Source: AscTec Wiki