Delta Watch: Using the THP sensor data

Delta Link units come with a basic weather station. This article explains how to show its location on maps and images, and how to visualize the data within Delta Watch and Delta Live! in various charts and reports, or combine it with other sensor data.

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Delta Watch: Using the THP sensor data


This article does show how the data from the THP, or other weather, sensor can be used and visualized in Delta Watch and Delta Live! other than in the Meteorological module. Throughout this article the sensor or the data will be referred to as respectively THP sensor or THP data.

This article does not show how to configure the System diagnostics, import task or Meteorological module. These all have their own guide, to which links can be found at the bottom of this page.

So, what does this article covers?

  • Configuring of alarm(s)
  • Add to Map based views
  • Place on Image overviews
  • Use on User defined charts
  • Configure for Delta Live!
  • Show data on Geodetic charts
  • Use data in Automated reports
  • Troubleshooting jump to


For simplicity of this article, we assume that:

  • Delta Watch v3.10 or higher is installed
  • Data flow from Delta Link to Delta Watch is working
  • The System diagnostics module is configured for each Delta Link in use
  • Import task is configured to import the ENV data from the THP sensor

For details on configuring the System diagnostic module and importing data, see the article: Configure System diagnostics first.

Although not a requirement, it is strongly suggested to also Configure the Meteorological module.

Find links to both articles at the bottom of this page.

Alarming on weather data

It is possible to configure alarms to trigger on the THP data. These will be checked against upon da-ta import. This could be useful to, for example, receive a warning if there is a sensor failure, as this could directly impact any applied PPM correction. When there is a sensor failure, or just a failure on a particular channel, then a data field will have the value -999 or lower. This could be used to detect faulty readings.

  1. Create a limit definition in the tab Limit Monitoring of the Points and Limit management module. The definition will be a limit for: Geotechnical and the sensor type Meteorological.
  2. Assign the limit to one, or more, import task in the Import and Export module

For detailed instructions, see the section Configure alarming and messaging in the earlier mentioned article: Delta Watch: Configure System Diagnostics.

Don't forget that for email alarms to work, a working mail server configuration and project contact list is required. Check the article: Delta Watch: Configure mail server.

Add sensor to a Map or image view

The data of the THP sensor can be added to various views in Delta Watch and Delta Live!. Below are summary steps on how to add a sensor to a view for maps or images in Delta Watch and Delta Live!. For more details on configuring views, see the article: Delta Watch - Configure and use (map) views.


Map based views

  1. Ensure the sensor has got project coordinates and a map-symbol, don’t forget the WGS84 coordinates if using Delta Live!. This can all be checked in Sensor Management tab of the Point and Limit management module.
  2. Navigate to the View Configuration subsection under Map in the System Configuration module.
  3. Select the View to which the sensor needs to be added.
  4. Under the section Geotechnical sensors find the entry Meteorological and activate it if not done.
  5. The Meteo sensors should now be visible In the Select sensorfields list, select them to be added to the view.
  6. Make other customizations, like the orientation of the info field, and take below notes on settings in consideration.
    Field Value
    Info fields Check , leave unchecked to only show the icon on a map
    Show sensor name Check to show the sensor name in the info field when visible
    Show absolute values Select , all THP data is best viewed when showing absolute values
    Info field active time hours Number of hours before the info fields should change colour to indicate if no data was received, default is 8 hours
    Processed values Select , the THP related data will only show correct using this option
  7. Save the changes.

Overviews with images

Image overviews are mainly for the use in Delta Live! but need to be configured in Delta Watch. In Delta Live! they can be found in the Overview menu under item Overview (Image). These are the steps in Delta Watch to configure it.

  1. Open the Overview module in the Project management group.
  2. Select or create an overview to add the THP sensor to.
  3. Open the Sensor field configuration tab.
  4. Under the section Geotechnical sensors, click in the Edit Edit icon. Locate and add the (Meteo-Sensor).
  5. Open the Calculation tab, check the Edit mode: set points and move the new sensor to the right place on the image.
  6. Disable the edit mode again and Apply the changes.


To show the Overview (image) on a map background in Delta Live! it needs to have WGS84 coordinates. Check this in the Browser Configuration tab.


Add THP data to User defined charts

  1. Open the User defined charts module in the Project Management group.
  2. Add Add a new chart or Select an existing chart to add the sensor to, and open the Chart configuration tab.
  3. For the correct chart (number 1,2 or 3), select the Type Meteorological and click on plus Plus to add a channel from one or more THP sensors.
  4. Apply the edits
  5. Switch to the Calculation tab and view the result, either use the Time Interval button or define a Time start and Time end and click Display.

Use THP data in any other sensor module

The data can also be shown as auxiliary sensor in various other modules in the Project Management group. If it is possible to combine the data in a module, then the temperature channel can be added via the Geotechnical sensors section in the Sensor field configuration of the respective module.

Include in automated reports

When defining an automatic pdf report, it is possible, depending on the report type, to include temperature channels.

For example; A daily monitoring report or a graph report both support this option.

The illustration on the right shows the temperature selection as available for an automatic graph report.

View the data in Delta Watch or Delta Live!

With data in the DB, Overviews and user defined charts configured, the THP data can be viewed. Simply open the configured module in Delta Watch or browse to an item in Delta Live!. If the item was configured correctly then the THP data will be visible. If not, please check the troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article.

One exception are the Charts used to display geodetic data. There is nothing that can be pre-configured to show the THP data on these. Instead, the user selects which Temperature channels to include.

Where How
Delta Watch In the Charts module on the left-hand side, there is a section called Temperature sensors selection. Enable the required sensor.
Delta Live!
  1. Open the Quick charts.
  2. Click on the Settings icon settings.
  3. Enable to Add auxiliary sensors.
  4. Select the sensor.
  5. Load data as normal.

To see a sensor or sensorfield on a map background in Delta Live!, ensure WGS84 coordinates have been configured. As a reminder, the below table indicates where to configure these.

What Where
Sensors The Sensor Management tab of the Point and Limit management module.
Sensorfields The Browser Configuration tab in the Meteorological module.


Example of the Meteorological sensor field when used in Delta Live! 


  • Delta Watch: No data visible on chart in user defined charts module.

    First, follow the same steps as troubleshooting for Meteorological module, see article Configure Meteorological module. Then additionally:

    • Check Chart Configuration.
      • In the Chart Configuration tab, check the selected sensors and channels.
      • Possibly Remove the affected sensor channels, Apply the changes and Add them again.
  • Delta Watch: Charts do not show the auxiliary temperature channels
    • Expand the Temperature sensor selection area and select available channels to use
    • Click Display in the toolbar after selecting the temperature channels to show
    • Y-axis scaling not correct?

      Under chart options, check the Y-axis scaling for each unit

    • Temperature channels will only show if also geodetic observations are loaded
    • Select a bigger time interval
  • Delta Live!: No auxiliary data on charts
    • No temperature channels visible in the legend.

      Click on the chart options options icon and enable Add auxiliary sensors, then select one or more available sensors to use from the dropdown control and click on DISPLAY. If there was geodetic data for the selected period, then this will load together with any available temperature channel data.

    • No geodetic data available for the selected time range.

      Select a different point group or change the Start and End date/time for the data. Don’t forget to click on the Display Display icon.

    • THP sensor not found under Sensor fields.
      • Does the Delta Live! user have the correct user-rights to be able to see that sensor?
      • Check the Browser Configuration section of the Sensor field in Delta Watch.
        • Check if a different sensorfield sub-menu is used under Browser menu setting.
        • Check if the user is Enabled under Browser user visibility.
    • Sensors do not show on a map.
      • Check if WGS84 coordinates have been specified in Delta Watch.
        • Check this for the individual sensors in the Sensor Management section of the Point and Limit management module.
        • If the sensors should show on a map when using this module in Delta Live!, then check in the Browser Configuration section of the Meteorological module.
      • Check options under the above troubleshoot item: THP sensor not found under Sensor fields.