MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Extract from String

Working with curb and gutter design data in MAGNET 3D Exchange software follows a specific workflow, yet offers flexibility for changing project requirements. This session will present and discuss various ways to import, manage, visualize, and deliver project files for use within Topcon's 3DMC curb and gutter systems.

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MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Extract from String

MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Routine

  • MAGNET 3D Exchange Curb and Gutter routine allows various ways to import, manage, visualize, and deliver project files for use within Topcon's 3DMC curb and gutter systems.

MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Workflow

  • Two unique workflows
    • Extract from DTM
    • Extract from String

MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Software Templates

  • The software’s Template routine ensures that the width of the curb machine falls within the overall length of the cross section
  • Multiple templates can be defined and applied

MAGNET 3D Exchange: Curb and Gutter Smooth Settings

  • The software’s Smooth settings are applied when a vertical IP meets or exceed the defined slope parameters along the vertical curve.