Agisoft Photogrammetric Software: Basic Training - Data Analysis

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Agisoft Photogrammetric Software: Basic Training - Data Analysis

Processing Report

Photogrammetric Kit supports automatic processing report generation in PDF format, which contains the basic parameters of the project, processing results and accuracy evaluations.

  • To generate a processing report:
    • Select Generate Report... command from the File menu.
    • Browse the destination folder, choose the file type, and enter in a file name for the report.  Click Save.

Analyzing Results within Reference Pane - Camera Section

  • Error (m) - distance between the input source and estimated positions of the camera.
  • Error (deg) - root mean square error calculated over all three orientation angles.
  • Error (pix) - root mean square reprojection error calculated over all feature points detected on the photo.​

Analyzing Results within Reference Pane - Markers Section

  • Error (m) - distance between the input (source) and estimated positions of the marker.
  • Error (pix) - root mean square reprojection error for the marker calculated over all photos where marker is visible.

The Total Error displayed implies averaging over all the GCP locations / check points.