SATEL EASy-Proof Radio: Changing spread spectrum radio channels with external cabling

This article explains how to use the SATEL Configuration Manager to set up and change channels in the TR9 spread spectrum radio.

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SATEL EASy-Proof Radio: Changing spread spectrum radio channels with external cabling

You will need the following parts to externally change channels on the SATEL FH915 (Model TR9) radio.

  • 1034691-01: 0.15M cable Deutsch DT06-6S-CE06/D15 female
  • 10346921-01: D15 Male/D9 Female 4A fuse, 2M power/programming
  • USB to DB9 serial adapter, available at most electronics stores and Amazon

You will also need to download the SATEL Configuration Manager from myTopcon. It is available on the Volvo 3D-MC product updates page.

The 2M programming cable (PN: 1034692-01) comes with unfinished power/ground leads. You will need to modify these to whatever method you choose to supply the radio with 12 V DC power while programming.

Before using the SATEL TR9 radio, you MUST load specific firmware to allow the SATEL Configuration Manager to change radio settings. Information on how to do this is available in this article.

Connecting to the radio

Connect the programming cables to the radio and power. Use the serial to USB adapter to connect the programming cables to your computer.

Open the SATEL Configuration Manager, and go to the Program Preferences tab.

In the Serial Port section in the lower left, set the appropriate COM Port, and change the Baud Rate to 115200.

Click the Connect button in the upper left. 

While connecting, you should see the blue bar at the top progressing from left to right while displaying messages such as Getting values from modem. This means the software is reading the modem's current settings and should not be interrupted.

Once the connection is made and radio settings have been read, you will get a dialog box stating Successfully connected and settings read from device. Click OK to close this box.

Now, click the Modem Settings tab. This will display tabs for FH915+/FH915, Serial Interface, and Customer info.

Select the FH915+/FH915 tab to view channel settings.

The Channel is changed by typing a new value. Topcon FH915 radios operate on channels 1-10.

Other settings should be as follows:

  • Operation Mode: Receiver
  • FH915+ Radio Link Data Rate: 9600
  • Transmitter Power: 1 W
  • FH915LocationLabel: Set to country where the radio will operate in.
  • Radio Compatibility: Option 9

If an option is changed, the title of that option will turn red. However, the changes have not been applied to the radio. To apply radio changes, click the Write Settings button at the top.

Once all settings have been written to the radio, disconnect the radio, and reattach it to the Volvo system.

No changes should be made to the Serial Interface tab. Changing these settings may cause connection issues with the radio.

Note: SATEL TR9 radios currently only receive corrections in FH915+ format.