Pocket 3D: Displaying grid lines

Learn to orient and display grid lines in Pocket 3D.

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Pocket 3D: Displaying grid lines

Grid lines

In the Display menu, select Grid lines...

Setting up grid lines

  1. Check the box to display grid lines.
  2. Define the distance interval for your grid lines.
  3. Enter the orientation of your grid lines.  
  4. Click Ok.

Change orientation

Enter the orientation of your grid lines.

If you need to determine the azimuth of an existing line or set of points, select those features and go to Data > Calc Wizard > Inverse Between Two Points.

Enter the azimuth in the format shown.

Note: This is NOT decimal degrees, but rather degrees-minutes-seconds, with the minutes and seconds after the decimal.

Align grid

If the rover is receiving corrections from the base, you can align the grid to your current position.