MAGNET Construct: Wi-Fi connection to GNSS receivers

How to set up and configure your Android or iOS device with a Wi-Fi connection to the HiPer HR for use with MAGNET Construct

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MAGNET Construct: Wi-Fi connection to GNSS receivers

Settings in TRU

Before connecting to the HiPer HR receiver via Wi-Fi, there are a number of connection details which must be checked or set up first using TRU (Topcon Receiver Utility).

Always ensure the latest build of TRU is used. Check myTopcon for the latest builds.

Connect in the normal manor, via USB/serial cable or Bluetooth in Receiver Managing mode.

Select Receiver Settings.

From the Receiver Settings menu, select the Network menu.

In the Wi-Fi tab, note or change the Password. This is the password which will be used to connect your iOS device to the receiver outside of MAGNET Construct in the standard Wi-Fi menu on your iOS device.

Also enter the IP Address.

For now, make a note of both the password and IP address.

In the TCP tab, change or note the Password.

This is the password which will be set within the MAGNET Construct app.

Make sure the password is noted down.

Device Wi-Fi menu

On your iOS device, in Wi-Fi settings, select and connect to the HiPer HR receiver.

Remember, this connection is used with the password defined in the Wi-Fi tab of the Network menu in TRU.

In this example, the password is: HiPer_HR-passwd

MAGNET Construct configuration

Now within MAGNET Construct, the instrument configuration is created for the Wi-Fi connection.

Create a new configuration or edit an existing configuration as normal.

Most of the parameters will be the same as your Bluetooth connection profile.

To set up the Wi-Fi connection, select Rover Receiver.

The important settings in the Rover Receiver menu are in the Connection section. Of course, the rest of the receiver parameters should also be checked to ensure they are correct.

Connection Settings:

Set the Connection Type to Wi-Fi.

Enter the IP address of the receiver. This is the same IP address as defined in the Wi-Fi tab in TRU.

The Port number is typically 8002.

The password here is the same password defined in the TCP tab of TRU.

In this example, the password is: hiper100

Once the instrument configuration is complete, return to the main connection screen and connect as normal.